Training DVDs

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1 - 30 of 33 results

Good infection prevention and control is vital so that everyone using and working in care services receive care that is safe and effective. Infection prevention and control should be part of daily practice and everyone has a responsibility in this area. This title will help you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate (standard 15) and also links to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework).

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Our latest title 'Moving and Positioning People' is available now. This DVD training package covers all the fundamental aspects of Moving and Handling/Moving and Positioning making it an essential tool for your staff team.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time and first aid is the emergency care given to a casualty before professional help arrives. This brand new DVD from regis will assist in the application of effective First Aid and includes the use of modern equipment such as an ‘Automated External Defibrillator’ (AED)

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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This DVD covers some recently produced evidence based guidelines published by the Department of Health and topics such as, Regulations, Policies, Informed decisions, Mental Capacity Act and much, much more.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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This completely new title from regis is in fact 2 titles in one helping you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate standards 3 and 5 whilst also linking to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework)

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Another '2-in-1' title from regis helping you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate standards 14 and 11 whilst also linking to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework)

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

This new title from regis is in fact 2 titles in one helping you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate standards 1 and 2 whilst also linking to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework)

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Communication is essential to build relationships with people and is one of the values that underpin high quality care. As a careworker you need to be able to communicate with the people you are supporting to encourage them to express their needs and preferences. This DVD explores the various methods of communication and is linked to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework). It will also help you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate (standard 6).

List price £125.00
£99.00 *
You save £26.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

To effectively support people with mental health conditions, dementia or learning disabilities you need to know more about these conditions

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Our Safeguarding Adults DVD includes the recent additions to Safeguarding terms, such as ‘modern slavery’, ‘domestic violence’ and ‘psychological abuse’. This title will help you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate (standard 10) and also links to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework).

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Good nutrition is critical to overall health and well-being and this is something within health and social care we need to be very aware of. This title will help you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate (standard 8) and also links to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework).

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

This new DVD is the first of a suite of DVD's which will help you cover the outcomes for the Care Certificate and also links to the ‘QCF’ (Qualifications and Credit Framework)

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Most of us will be affected either directly or indirectly by cancer at some point in our lives. This DVD explains the many different types of cancer, their causes, progression and various treatment options and will provide you/your staff team with a good understanding of the many forms of cancer.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

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This DVD covers the risks and dangers involved when employees work alone as well as employers responsibilities towards it 'Lone Workers'. This training DVD also looks at regulations in relation to working alone and the vital role communication plays in ensuring individuals health and safety.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Good care practice must be person-centred and this includes risk assessment and management. Everyone is entitled to make choices, and be as independent as possible regardless of age, disability or condition. Risk enablement is taking a positive approach rather than a negative one. The assessment begins with ‘what can be done’ rather than ‘what can’t be done’.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

This DVD explains what you should and should not do when confronted with someone experiencing a seizure. It covers statistics, possible causes of seizures as well as treatments and seizure management.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Caring for and supporting people approaching the end of their life is considered the most challenging work any health and social careworker faces. It can also be the most rewarding - if they have the right knowledge, skills and attitude to provide the care and support they need.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

This training DVD is a concise and 'friendly' introduction to the 'Mental Capacity Act' summarising the key principles and how these should be put into practice.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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With the projected huge increase in the next 20 years of the number of people who have diabetes, it is more important than ever that those in a supporting role have a good understanding of this condition. This DVD covers causes, effects, medication and management of diabetes.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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In our day-to-day lives sometimes we don’t take enough care with food safety in our own homes. Our own personal standards, whilst acceptable to us individually are not the standards to be applied in the workplace. The DVD covers the major concerns regarding food safety in the work setting.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock

Fire can be extremely dangerous wherever and whenever it occurs. We all need to understand how fire breaks out and know how to take steps to minimise the risk of this happening.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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This DVD explains the importance of ensuring that all individuals and groups are treated fairly, irrespective of certain characteristics such as race or age and how we must all aim to recognise, respect and value people’s differences.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Perhaps the most important feature of person-centred care is to be able to see things through the eyes of the person you are supporting. This is called empathy. You may think you are a good care worker, but do you actually care or are you more concerned with getting through the tasks of the day than focusing on the needs and preferences of individuals?

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Falls are not an inevitable consequence of old age. They are more likely to be due to underlying risk factors and you can contribute significantly to reducing falls by recognising and modifying these risk factors.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Dignity is at the heart of person-centred care. It means treating individuals in such a way as to give them maximum control over their own lives. Care workers should support people with the respect they would want for their own family.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Our 'Stroke Awareness' training DVD explains the changes that happen in the brain when a stroke has occurred. It explains the two types of stroke and their possible causes. You will learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of a stroke and how to act F.A.S.T. when confronted with someone experiencing a stroke.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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This DVD covers personalised care planning including implementation, monitoring and review.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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At some time or another in our lives we will all be ‘customers’ and most of us have experienced poor customer service. The purpose of this DVD is to highlight how those people now living in a care environment should receive the same level of customer service as we all expect ourselves. The service should be no different to buying something in a well-known, respected high-street retailer, eating in a first-class restaurant or staying in a five-star hotel!

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Individuals should be given opportunities for stimulation through leisure and recreational activities in and outside the home which suit their needs, preferences and capacities and these interests should be recorded. This DVD explores the different types of 'activities' and the beneficial effects they have on those you support.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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Customer service and customer care are largely interchangeable. Both mean focusing on the customer and giving the best service possible. The principles of customer service apply wherever you work. When you provide a service, you should think about how you are providing that service and make sure the customer is satisfied.

List price £150.00
£99.00 *
You save £51.00
Delivery weight: 100 g

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1 - 30 of 33 results

regis has a wide range of training DVDs covering all your Health & Social Care training needs.